Quick, it’s moving!

I was on a call conference with a prospect client today. I was telling her about how, back in 2010, Buzz launched the local social media presence of this snack brand after a very viral reputation crisis. I was explaining some of the processes we created, some of the challenges we faced, some of the decisions we took.

And I realized, while we talked, that many of the decisions we had to make at the time are not necessary anymore. Should we erase those Facebook comments? How should we measure the impact of these blog posts? Should we sign our tweets? It looks like all the difficult questions have been answered by the industry’s collective knowledge.

The feeling keeps on coming back. In the latest edition of Social Media Week Barcelona (February 2014), Buzz’s co-founder Eduard Corral and myself presented the “Keys to Success in Social Media in 2014“. The audience listened curiously and took notes as we presented concepts such as “social graph”, “engagement rate” or “promoted content”. While they’re still valid and current terms, nobody in an industry audience would write them down today.

This thing moves fast. Let’s move with it.