Pókemon Go and its influence in 5 Medium posts

Marketers all over the world have been hypnotised by Pókemon Go’s success since it was launched earlier this month. Many opinions haven been shared about the app and its influence in the digital marketing world. Here are 5 posts I’ve read on Medium this past week that work great as a compilation, because they present different approaches to Pokémon Go’s influence, from product management to brand equity. Enjoy!

  1. What makes Pokémon Go so Addictive? A Mobile Product Manager’s Perspective

    This post is about how I feel Pokemon Go’s game designers have perfectly executed on the “Hook Model” — a framework for gamification and getting users to come back again and again and again.

    –  Christopher Nheu

  2. What we can learn from Pokemon GO

    This article isn’t going to be about a review of the game itself, but about the effects of it. We will try to look a little behind the curtain from a product & marketing perspective. So if you’re not into playing Pokemon, this article can still be value able to you.

    – Tobias van Schneider

  3. Pokémon Go vs Growth Hacking

    Pokémon Go flies in the face of everything we’ve learned. Traditional growth strategies be damned.

    – Sara Haider

  4. Pokemon Go gave me hope for this planet

    It’s good to see technology being used in that way, too. Being used to brighten the world instead of just share its messiness.

    – Jon Westenberg

  5. Nintendo’s Pokémon GO Wins with Technology and Nostalgia

    I’m a big believer in nostalgic intellectual property. It is one of the most underrated value propositions in business and marketing. Nostalgic IP matters and it’s valuable and massively underpriced.

    – Gary Vaynerchuk