#whorunNYad: June Wee-Grant

Jasmine Sheth was the first person to whom I officially pitched the #whorunNYad concept, and she really connected with it. So when I asked her who I should interview next, not only did she suggest someone with experience in the ad industry, but also someone who was motivating and inspiring others to follow their true passions.

Let me introduce you to June Wee-Grant.

In the creative industry…

Who are you, what do you do and where?

I spent 18 wonderful years growing up in ad agencies (TBWA, Leo Burnett and Ogilvy) in Singapore and NYC. I took a sabbatical in LA (and had the time of my life!), and then did Marketing at a tech start-up before it got acquired. I’m now a certified Life Coach working with clients in Asia and the US, as well as an independent marketing consultant.

became my own boss and started my own company because I decided to take back my power and stick it to the man! 🙂  I celebrated my emancipation from my past limiting mindset by getting my “Fearless” tattoo by my dear friend, the super-talented Virgina Elwood from Saved Tattoo.

Tattoo by Virginia Elwood from Saved Tattoo.
Why do you do what you do?

I believe that everyone deserves to have the life they dream of and live their best lives ever in this lifetime, starting right now. I always say, “if you hate your life, do something to change it. If you don’t, you have only yourself to blame. Move on or stay stuck. Choose love, never fear. What’s the worst that can happen?” Helping people and brands makes me feel so alive!

What keeps you inspired?

People. We’ve created everything we know, have and use. We created air travel, the internet, and we’ve also created problems for ourselves and other people. The sum of all I feel, hear, see and learn from people constantly amazes, amuses and keeps me going!

As part of my desire to empower others to connect with their inner wisdom and encourage self-expression, I created the Goddess Workshop for my friends and their friends. Through meditation, inspiration, creative expression and sharing, everyone has a great time connecting with each other and themselves. I really love bringing people together and creating opportunities for discovery, learning and growth.


What brought you here?

My dream and my will to succeed brought me here. The actions that led to it actually happening are simply logistics.

What keeps you sane?

Meditation and music.

Where do you go to get great coffee / drinks?

Where do I even begin? Too many great places! I love Bluestone Lane and Blue Bottle for the occasional times I want a coffee. I mostly drink tea – I love the MojiTea from Argo Tea. I love cocktails from Little Branch, Attaboy, the NoMad bar and for nostalgia’s sake, Clover Club in Brooklyn. I also love getting a pint and excellent English pub grub from the Dead Rabbit. (Told you I’m spoilt for choice!)

Una publicación compartida de Argo Tea (@argotea) el