#whorunNYad: Rachel Wolff

One of the reasons why I volunteered at Innovation Congress was to meet people like Rachel: talented folks in the digital ad business. She was part of the production team and we shared check-ins, breaks and lunch. She reminded me of many young women I’ve worked with and a little bit of myself when I was her age: confident in her value and working hard and smartly to prove it.

Let me introduce you to Rachel Wolf.

In the creative industry…

Who are you, what do you do and where?

My name is Rachel Wolff and I’m a digital analyst at Firebrand Group, located at 1216 Broadway.

Why do you do what you do?

My job involves a good deal of writing, whether it’s ghostwriting articles from a CEO’s point of view or drafting copy for a content calendar. For me, the most interesting part is being up close and personal with people who are thought leaders in their field, and who are constantly coming up with new ways to innovate and look at the world. I think the reason I do what I do is not only to feel connected with people who are at the forefront of innovation, but also because their enthusiasm inevitably carries over into my own work.

What keeps you inspired?

I’m constantly being inspired not only by the hard work that everyone in my company does, but also by the very fact that the marketing and advertising industries are in a constant state of flux. There’s no time to be bored when the landscape is changing every day!

Una publicación compartida de Rachel Wolff (@rwolff16) el


What brought you here?

I guess you could say it’s all my parents’ fault! I was born and raised in the heart of NYC, and except for a brief stint in London for university, I’ve lived here all my life.

Una publicación compartida de Rachel Wolff (@rwolff16) el

What keeps you sane?

Anytime I feel the clouds starting to roll in over my head, I put my headphones on and play some solid gold Motown oldies. Just hearing the opening bars of “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” with Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell is enough to restore my faith in humanity.

Where do you go to get great coffee / drinks?

I’m an equal opportunist when it comes to coffee — I’ll try any place at least once. That being said, my recent favorites have included Birch Coffee and Patisserie Chanson. Favorite place for drinks: The bar in the Nomad Hotel.