Return flight, LA to NY edition

The Early Stages of Influencer Relations

It’s been 1 year and 6 months since my last business trip. Back up in the air, this time flying coast to coast over the US, I find myself again in that old mental place that I know so well. I’m sure I’m not the only person in this plane with a head bursting with thoughts, a tired body trying to convince the mind to relax and a heart full of gratefulness.

The six hours from LA to NY are 3 times the length of my once usual Dusseldorf – Barcelona or London – Barcelona, but they serve the same purpose:

  • Writing notes. About what went great, what will be improved the next time and a few creative ideas that, of course, come to me more easily when I’m out of my element.
  • Working on projects that other more urgent project have put on hold (yes, that Social Media Brand personality presentation is coming!).
  • Reflecting. And writing posts like this on a note to share with you (but mostly with my future me) how happy I feel to be up here tonight.

One year after I moved to New York, six months into my post-sabbatical year, I’m flying back to NY after spending 20 intense hours in LA for work, which basically consists in sharing great wine with the world. I think I can say this was definitely the right choice.