The start of the freelance phase

New York makes you feel like you can do anything. It’s very cliche but also very true. The city’s creative energy and the perennial positive feedback you receive end up kind of possessing you, and you feel empowered, capable and recharged.

That’s exactly how I’ve felt for the last 2 years living there. But, from surrounding myself with people with alternative schedules and non traditional business models, I’ve felt something else: I felt like I didn’t own my time. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my 9 to 6 in a nice office in Midtown. But I would have loved to start earlier, or extend my lunch breaks in Bryant Park when the weather was nice, or continue working past 6pm when I was extra inspired, or work from home or from the coworking space at Brooklyn Boulders more often.

And once again, life threw a couple of signs my way when I was in the process of planning the next phase. The opportunity came to work on some of my favorite Colangelo & Partners projects remotely as an independent consultant. And I started drafting a personal project. I joined an empowering Facebook group full of that same positive energy I filled myself with while in New York. I brainstormed some more projects with passionate individuals with a plan and a budget.

So it’s done: I’m back in Europe and I’m a freelancer, open to working with agencies and brands that need help with digital strategy projects (influencer marketing, social media strategy, digital content strategy, and new business proposals, which I love!).

I’m really looking forward to collaborating with new teams and professionals to build brands and projects together, and to enjoy the flexibility to maybe take our first call in the park?