#whorunNYad: Shannon Ross

After interviewing Antonio, we walked around the R/GA office. I had asked him who I should interview next, so he took me to Shannon’s desk and we interrupted her lunch break. I was immediately impressed by her good vibes and positive attitude. “That’s how you make a difference in the world: with a big smile and lots of good energy” – I thought.

Let me introduce you to Shannon Ross.

In the creative industry…

Who are you, what do you do and where?

Hi! I’m Shannon Ross, Senior Art Director, I work on brand campaign and social work for R/GA. I consider myself a creative magician. Coming up with ideas out of thin air, creating something beautiful, meaningful, funny, thought provoking or just down-right cool out of thin air is magical.

Why do you do what you do?

When I was in college, I actually came in wanting to do photography. Switched over to Motion graphics, and then ultimately ended at advertising because I felt finally THIS is where you shape culture. We watch TV every single day, on the internet, social media and we’re blasted with all of these images, combinations of words and phrases that affect how we look at the world. And it matters to me that the people, the ideas, and the emotion around culture is shaped in a way that is reflective of the truth. I want to be the person that comes up with that killer idea, that makes people change the way they look at something.

What keeps you inspired?

Advertising is such a complicated business. We do all of this work for multi-million dollar companies or small companies for profitable gain. But, at the end of the day we all need to escape and to do something that makes a difference for someone or something or some cause. My writer partner Kenia Perez and I were a part of the 4A’s MAIP program in 2012 (Multicultural Advertising Internship Program) and we do a lot with inspiring younger multiculturals who want to break into advertising. And even working on socially conscious ideas that help underrepresented communities.

Those are the things that keeps me inspired. Just knowing that I’ve inspired someone else.

#equalityforall is the fight that’s 2nd to that of religion. And still it comes down to #equality

Una publicación compartida de Shannon Ross (@shanmadeit) el


What brought you here?

I was born here. Left to live in SC at the age of 16. Went to school in Savannah, GA. Moved back to NY. Then Back to SC. Then Back to NY.

Clearly, I’m in love ❤️  #Brooklyn

What keeps you sane?

What keeps me most sane is music. Music transcends all. It is my life. I probably go to concerts 3-4x a month. That’s almost once a week – OMG.

I merge music + art to keep me sane. Visuals you get from different notes of a song can create some powerful imagery.

Had fun working a lil smokey magic on this #DopeSmoke track by @_model.999 ??#ShanMadeIt

Una publicación compartida de Shannon Ross (@shanmadeit) el

Where do you go to get great coffee / drinks?

Coffee? no. Tea? Hell Yes. I love Matcha. Real Matcha. Not the fake stuff. Red Eye Coffee has some real good matcha. They know what they’re doing over there.

Drinks… you totally get me. BedStuy is my home, so there’s so many great bars in that area you really can’t go wrong. My fave: Casablanca.