Instagram Stories vs Snapchat in 5 thoughts

The world needs more stories “Great stories build relationships and make people care. Those two things are necessary to change anything.” – Shane Snow, Contently Of course it’s a copy of Snapchat: people love Snapchat! “When people first started using a hashtag outside of Twitter, it was a big deal. It’s become universal as a… Continue reading Instagram Stories vs Snapchat in 5 thoughts

Pókemon Go and its influence in 5 Medium posts

Marketers all over the world have been hypnotised by Pókemon Go’s success since it was launched earlier this month. Many opinions haven been shared about the app and its influence in the digital marketing world. Here are 5 posts I’ve read on Medium this past week that work great as a compilation, because they present different approaches to Pokémon Go’s influence,… Continue reading Pókemon Go and its influence in 5 Medium posts

Micro-moments and how they reshape the consumer journey

Micro-moments are moments when consumers act on a need, e.g. to learn something, do something, discover something, watch something or buy something. They are predominately mobile moments and should require only a glance to identify and deliver quick information that consumers want to act on immediately. They are, without a doubt, key opportunities for brands to reach… Continue reading Micro-moments and how they reshape the consumer journey

Should my brand be on Snapchat?

Millennials love it. Brands are starting to consider it relevant in their social media (and media) strategy. Marketers still don’t understand it. And a question starts appearing more often in briefs and decks, not as a rhetorical question anymore but finally as a real question that brands are asking their digital agencies: should my brand be on… Continue reading Should my brand be on Snapchat?

What is Dark Social and why does it matter?

Dark social refers to the social sharing of content that occurs outside of what can be measured by web analytics programs. This mostly occurs when a link is sent via online chat or email, rather than shared over a social media platform, from which referrals can be measured. – Techopedia Have you noticed that big… Continue reading What is Dark Social and why does it matter?

If you want to work for me

These past 6 years at Buzz I’ve interviewed thousands of candidates and hired tens, with different levels of success. One thing I’ve learnt is that first impressions aren’t always right, but my guts never lie. It doesn’t matter if you’re an account executive, a creative or a technical profile. These are the things you must do… Continue reading If you want to work for me

Quick, it’s moving!

I was on a call conference with a prospect client today. I was telling her about how, back in 2010, Buzz launched the local social media presence of this snack brand after a very viral reputation crisis. I was explaining some of the processes we created, some of the challenges we faced, some of the decisions we took.… Continue reading Quick, it’s moving!

Hello World

Hello World, Here I am, finally blogging for myself. Finally sharing longer than on Twitter, less visually than on Instagram, for a wider audience than on Facebook. Trying to find my own voice, the right balance between personal and professional. The right words for the right ideas. Translating into coherent sentences the thoughts of a… Continue reading Hello World