Career advice from David Droga’s Lion of St. Mark acceptance speech

Last week, at Cannes Lions 2017, David Droga was awarded the Lion of St. Mark, a distinction that recognizes an individual who has made a significant and outstanding contribution to creativity in the ad industry. David started his career in advertising 30 years ago. I received his first Cannes Lion at 19 with OMON Sydney,… Continue reading Career advice from David Droga’s Lion of St. Mark acceptance speech

#whorunNYad: Shannon Ross

After interviewing Antonio, we walked around the R/GA office. I had asked him who I should interview next, so he took me to Shannon’s desk and we interrupted her lunch break. I was immediately impressed by her good vibes and positive attitude. “That’s how you make a difference in the world: with a big smile and lots of good energy”… Continue reading #whorunNYad: Shannon Ross

#whorunNYad: June Wee-Grant

Jasmine Sheth was the first person to whom I officially pitched the #whorunNYad concept, and she really connected with it. So when I asked her who I should interview next, not only did she suggest someone with experience in the ad industry, but also someone who was motivating and inspiring others to follow their true passions. Let me introduce you… Continue reading #whorunNYad: June Wee-Grant

#whorunNYad: Tomoko Kuwahara

The first time I visited Pilar Torcal at Huge, she was showing me around the office when we stopped by a wall covered in calligraphy exercises. She showed me hers, and then proudly pointed to a very beautiful composition crafted, in black ink, by one of her colleagues, Tomoko Kuwahara. When I asked Pilar to introduce me to one… Continue reading #whorunNYad: Tomoko Kuwahara

How I found my career mantra

It was 2013 and I was traveling back from London for work. Like in most return flights, I was equally tired and inspired. This time I had attended a Facebook event for their PMD (Preferred Marketing Developers) Partners, representing Buzz and the tremendous effort we were doing at the time to exceed Facebook’s quality standards in the… Continue reading How I found my career mantra

If you want to work for me

These past 6 years at Buzz I’ve interviewed thousands of candidates and hired tens, with different levels of success. One thing I’ve learnt is that first impressions aren’t always right, but my guts never lie. It doesn’t matter if you’re an account executive, a creative or a technical profile. These are the things you must do… Continue reading If you want to work for me

Return flight filled with pride

If outward flights are for planning, return flights are for reflecting. Specially business trips, when you board with a mission, and plan to land back home with your mission accomplished. Yesterday I flew back from Germany like many Thursday nights before. Tired and satisfied, reading, talking, reflecting. But last night was special: that afternoon, I… Continue reading Return flight filled with pride